RUN ANYWHEREFragment-Based Molecular Generation by Discrete Diffusion.
By running the below commands, you accept the NVIDIA AI Enterprise Terms of Use and the NVIDIA Community Models License.
Pull and run nvidia/genmol-generate
using Docker (this will download the full model and run it in your local environment)
$ docker login nvcr.io Username: $oauthtoken Password: <PASTE_API_KEY_HERE>
Pull and run the NVIDIA NIM with the command below. This will download the optimized model for your infrastructure.
export NGC_API_KEY=<PASTE_API_KEY_HERE> export LOCAL_NIM_CACHE=~/.cache/nim mkdir -p "$LOCAL_NIM_CACHE" docker run -it --rm \ --runtime=nvidia \ --gpus=all \ -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 \ -e NGC_API_KEY=$NGC_API_KEY \ --shm-size=2G \ --ulimit memlock=-1 \ --ulimit stack=67108864 \ -p 8000:8000 \ nvcr.io/nim/nvidia/genmol:1.0.0
You can now make a local API call using this curl command:
accept_header='Accept: application/json' content_type_header='Content-Type: application/json' data='{ "smiles": "C124CN3C1.S3(=O)(=O)CC.C4C#N.[*{20-20}]", "num_molecules": "30", "temperature": "1", "noise": "0", "step_size":"1", "scoring": "QED" }' response=$(curl --silent -i -w " %{http_code}" --request POST \ --url http://localhost:8000/generate \ --header "$authorization_header" \ --header "$accept_header" \ --header "$content_type_header" \ --data "$data" ) echo "$response"
For more details on getting started with this NIM, visit the NVIDIA NIM Docs.