

Enable smooth global interactions in 32 languages.

Getting Started

Riva uses gRPC APIs. Instructions below demonstrate usage of megatron-1b-nmt model using Python gRPC client.


You will need a system with Git and Python 3+ installed.

Install Riva Python Client

$ pip install -r https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients/main/requirements.txt $ pip install --force-reinstall git+https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients.git

Download Python Client

Download Python client code by cloning Python Client Repository.

$ git clone https://github.com/nvidia-riva/python-clients.git

Run Python Client

Open a command terminal and execute below command to translate text. If you have generated the API key, it will be auto-populated in the command.

$ python python-clients/scripts/nmt/nmt.py \ --server grpc.nvcf.nvidia.com:443 --use-ssl \ --metadata function-id "647147c1-9c23-496c-8304-2e29e7574510" \ --metadata "authorization" "Bearer $API_KEY_REQUIRED_IF_EXECUTING_OUTSIDE_NGC" \ --text "This is an example text for Riva text translation" \ --source-language-code en \ --target-language-code de

List of supported source and target languages can be queried using below command.

$ python python-clients/scripts/nmt/nmt.py \ --server grpc.nvcf.nvidia.com:443 --use-ssl \ --metadata function-id "647147c1-9c23-496c-8304-2e29e7574510" \ --metadata "authorization" "Bearer $API_KEY_REQUIRED_IF_EXECUTING_OUTSIDE_NGC" \ --list-models

Support for gRPC clients in other languages

Riva uses gRPC APIs. Proto files can be downloaded from Riva gRPC Proto files and compiled to target language using Protoc compiler. Example Riva clients in C++ and Python languages are provided below.